If you plan on visiting the store in person and want us to hold books for you, all you need to know is here.
The easiest way is to fill out the form at the bottom of the page, and we'll get back to you. You can also call us at (219) 301-7920 or e-mail us at: screamerboy23@hotmail.com. Otherwise, just keep reading for all the answers to the questions you may have.
Hi there. Thanks for visiting. You're looking good today.
We take pride in our subscription service. Whether you just want to get AMAZING SPIDER-MAN every month, or there’s fifty titles you collect….we’re your guys.
How does the SCREAMING MONKEY COMICS subscription service work?
A subscription is simply a standing order for any comic books, trade paperbacks or other cool merchandise that you want to grab. You let us know what items you want – when it arrives at the store, we’ll put it aside for you.
Just stop by during our business hours and pick up your orders. New comics come out every Wednesday, and you can always check out our website for what’s new in the store and what’s coming out next week.
If you don't live in the Northwest Indiana area, you can set up a mail order subscription service with as well! We'll put your books aside, and ship them to you on a bi-weekly or monthly basis!
You can add or drop titles at any time, place requests for specific covers or even request just one issue of a series you don’t normally collect, and we’ll put your changes into effect immediately. To make changes, just send us an e-mail, drop a message on our Facebook page, give us a call, or visit us in person.
Are there any discounts for being a loyal Monkey customer?
We strive to offer a discount rate that’s both competitive, and the same for both our local customers and our mail-order friends. There's no minimum order you need to place, discounts begin at 10% off the monthly cover price, and dedicated readers can get a 25% discount off their titles. Stop by and we'll answer any questions you might have!
When will my comics arrive?
New releases drop on Wednesdays, although each book’s specific release schedule varies wildly depending on individual publishers. Most comics come out on a monthly basis, but it’s not unusual for a book to be released every six weeks or bi-monthly.
Can I get a discount off the cover price even if I'm not a subscriber?
You'll definitely want to visit us! All recently released comics on the racks are $1 off the cover price for everyone, excluding this week's brand new comics. Out of fairness, we generally do not hold books for customers without existing accounts - they are sold on a first come, first serve basis. If you absolutely want to make sure you get a comic you like, please request it in advance so we can order accordingly, or consider starting a free subscription arrangement.
Can I get my comic books bagged and boarded?
No worries. We'll bag and board up to five of your comics (per week) free of charge. We charge 25¢ per bag/board after that.
I’d like to get the PREVIEWS catalog.
As well you should! The PREVIEWS catalog is the massive guide to everything being released in the world of comics, trade paperbacks, magazines, action figures, games and more. This catalog is available for $3.00.
So I can order things OTHER than comics?
Men and women do not live on comics alone. Trade paperbacks, t-shirts, role playing games, card games, action figures, statues….if our vendors carry it, we will order it for you.
Any item that carries a retail price of $50.00 or more requires a 50% deposit prior to ordering. In the event that the item is cancelled by the manufacturer (or we never receive it for some reason) the deposit will be refunded.
Do you handle special requests - such a specific covers, or only one issue of a series?
Easily handled. If an upcoming book has a specific cover you want, or you want only the first issue of an upcoming series, or any other special request - let us know as soon as possible so we can order appropriately. If your special request isn't available for some reason, we'll let you know.
How often do I have to come in and pick up my orders?
Under the terms of our subscription agreements, we request that you clear out your account every 30 days. If stopping in at least once a month doesn’t work for you, please consider signing up for a mail order subscription and we’ll ship your books right to your door!
Any books left unpaid for over two months will be placed back on the shelves for general sale. Whenever
possible, we will try to contact you and work out something before we do this.
If you are a mail-order subscriber, your card will be charged on the 1st of every month. You'll get an invoice five days prior to the charge, so you can inspect and make changes to your order before we finalize it.
What if I live outside your area? Can I have my books mailed to me?
Yup! If this is something you're interested in, let us know. We'll charge your account near the beginning of each month (usually when the new PREVIEWS catalogs are released) and ship your books out to you. They'll be bagged, boarded, and carefully packed inside a sturdy, reinforced cardboard box - the same type that our distributor ships our weekly books in. We'll just add a flat $4.00 to your monthly bill for postage, shipping and handling - we'll cover the remainder of the shipping fees ourselves.
I just added a title to my subscription, and it comes out this week. Will I get it?
We will do our best, we promise! If we can’t make it happen, we’ll let you know immediately so you can try to grab a copy at another location. But we’ll flip over every rock to get the books you want.
Canceling Your Subscription
Sometimes life intrudes on your hobbies. You’re moving out of the area, an addition to the family is on the way, you need to run from the mob…..things happen. You may cancel your subscription any time by calling us or e-mailing us.
I still have some questions before I sign up!
Give us a shout then, we’re here to help. E-mail, phone or visit, we’ll answer any other questions you have.
Okay, sounds great! How do I get started?
Just stop by the store and fill out a subscription form. It's pretty informal - and we’d love to meet you! Thanks for trusting us to handle your hobby!